Thursday, November 7, 2013

Aleah's First Birthday

I am almost a month late, but you know what they saaaayy.....Better Late Than Never....

Aleah's first birthday needs to be documented. It was kind of a big deal. To us, at least.
 <<Isn't this picture sweet. Sunday at the Hansen's...(family birthday celebration for Aleah and cousin Leland..) Grandma made cute cupcakes!

We're having a lot more fun these days:)

The next day, Aleah's actual birthday...
The day started kind of lame...I wasn't really prepared with confetti and balloons. No special breakfast either. What kind of MOM am I?? Right?
I was kind of just focused on making sure the night was going to turn out right... We celebrated in the morning and afternoon by running to the party store and then to walmart. As well as, taking selfies, cleaning, baking, visiting with my visiting teacher...and taking more fun pictures... Maybe next year I'll get that special breakfast. Ha.

Best Year EVER

So...I'm not a hugely creative person. I don't make a great host. And too much on my plate usually results shutting down and almost nothing turning out right. So....I knew throwing a first birthday wasn't going to be my favorite thing ever. Low key. I could handle that. And that is how I think it worked out. The cake was going to be just about my biggest risk to the whole operation. It turned out quite awesome, I thought! didn't bake as quick as pinterest told me it worked out still.
Check out my mad cake frosting skills and awesome polka dot decorating.....    

<< Pinterest was all like, "Hey, decorate your door like this..." And I was all like, "Yeah! I think I will!...But maybe I won't use plates...'cause I bet if I tried, it might look really tacky!" And then I did it my way>>>>>
....and I was like, "Hm.....this looks really tacky....."

I laughed at myself and my sad decorating skills. Thank goodness I have good family and friends who know me and cut me some slack...:)

And then Aleah's cake.....
So awesome.
Somehow before the party people showed up, I was able to dress it up a little bit better and it looked..ooookaayy.
Leaning tower of cake.

We celebrated with close friends and family--just a small little get together. We had cookies and milk, a polka dot cake and some ice cream. It was a lot of fun. Aleah destroyed her cake, enjoyed her presents and partied late into the night.... It was a good night.

>Polka Dot Cake Tutorial<
Mrs. Wonderful Marci, helped me frost the bigger cake....thanks for the helpful tips, Marci!
And I dotted it with candy and zurchers sales them. I think I love them.

All she agreed to was to give him her number.. :) (notice, phone in hand...)
Birthday week twinners--Benson and Aleah
Thanks for coming to our little party friends and family...don't expect another one for Aleah until her baptism at eight!:) I hope...
Sleep?...Ain't Nobody Got Time For That!

 We ended the night sitting on the couch together snuggling our little big baby. I can't believe she's a year. (And almost a month...technically...). It is sooo much fun lately. I just like it more and more everyday.

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