Friday, January 24, 2014

Part ONE

So...I like taking pictures. I could probably find a reason to take a picture (or two, three, four, ten......whatever..) in any moment. It's ridiculous. It is. I try to exercise control over this obsession....and I hold back on instagraming or facebooking every single one of them. ....But part of me really believes that you want to see Aleah in every outfit and hair-do too. You hate missing out on seeing who she has play-dates with. And I know you want to see her new art pieces she's worked hard on (scribbles, scribbles calendars, scriptures, couch, her books, my books, my sheets. When will I learn to put away all the pens in the house every morning before she wakes up?) 
Anyways. I was looking through my phone and realized, I have A LOT of pictures. And this is my attempt at organizing them a little bit. Collages. Now all those pictures that I didn't want to delete but didn't think I needed 20 of, have a place. And I won't feel bad for deleting them (or most of them) off of my phone. 
Here is PART ONE of my picture organizing.
(Not in any particular order).

Daddy and Aleah

Ryder's 1st birthday--Pic on the right "those birthday spankins are brutal." ;)

Pumpkin Patch

The cute Asay girls and Aleah--besties:)

One bunny--great! Two bunnies--HORRIFYING!

Fall activities with nieces and nephews (or a few of them).

It's a good life
Hi Christmas!
Cousins--Aleah and Kate

Dress up!

She's a daddy's girl.

I adopted a watch change in the seasons. Random and weird. But I can't wait for spring!;)

Ponytail. Silly stinker. I like her.

Gooood morning!
Huh. Walks use to be taken to bring sanity to this mama.

That's better. Play time at the park.

I am a terrible mom. I giggle, take a picture and then help her out of her little situations.
There is just not much cuter than a baby praying (or pretending to).

More to come....another day, maybe!
But this catches you up on the details of our life pretty well until then.

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